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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Massage for the Athlete- Staying in the Game

We love to play games, the challenge, the feeling of victory or perhaps just a personal goal achieved. Staying in the game can become a challenge, staying on top of your game can be surmountable if you have the right tools.

My massage practice is filled with weekend warriors and serious athletes alike. Whether you're running your 20th marathon or still playing softball on the weekend, you're no stranger to injury. To remain on top, you must be mindful of your body's condition and limitations. My goal as a therapist is to assist you to first become aware of where your limitations are and to implement a plan to remove them. We will work together to increase rage of motion,  lengthen and tone muscles and fascia, and address any prior injuries. A runner with tight calves and hamstrings can greatly increase endurance and energy by removing these restrictions. The effect on your game is profound, this is exactly why all professional athletic teams employ a massage therapist ...for them its imperative.


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