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Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Would you like to sit in this room? If so you may live longer!

How easily you can sit down on the floor and get up may suggest about how long you’ll live.

 A new study  published in the November 1, 2012 European Journal of Preventive Cardiology suggests that flexibility, muscle strength, balance and co-ordination are also important factors in determining longevity. The study determined  that if a middle-aged or older man or woman can sit and rise from the floor using just one hand – or even better without the help of a hand, they are not only in the higher quartile of musculoskeletal fitness but their survival prognosis is probably better than that of those unable to do so.” The study showed that each additional support needed to sit down on the floor and then get up - hand, forearm, knee, side of leg, or hand on the knee - was associated with a 21 percent lower chance of survival over the approximately six years of the study’s follow-up.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Oil based skincare is all the rage! This after being told oil is bad for skin. What gives?

Oil based skincare is all the rage! This after years of being told oil is bad for your skin. What gives?

Oil is back and there’s no denying oil based skin care is flying off the shelves! Oil can be found in just about every skincare product these days, with good reason. There are countless reviews which attest to the benefits users are experiencing. However, I must admit, somewhere in the back of my mind I can remember hearing how absolutely horrible oil was for skin. Just a few years ago we heard of how oil can cause breakouts, clog pores ...wait, oil attracts dirt and bacteria! Shouldn’t we be using benzoyl peroxide to remove every trace of this evil substance? If left unchecked oil could cause acne and scarring!

The truth is this is the biggest hoax the beauty industry has ever created. After all your skin creates oil and needs oil to be healthy. The oily substance your skin makes, called sebum, is part of the lipid barrier. As a matter of fact it’s the Lipid barrier that protects your skin from bacteria and keeps it strong and beautiful. Women with more oil in their skin have noticeably less lines and wrinkles. So when did we turn our back on this natural skin loving serum and why? In the 80’s and 90’s, the beauty industry discovered it could use mineral oil to replace plant based oils in skin care. This was truly the dark ages of skin care. Mineral oil, while it sounds just lovely, is just a nice name for a petroleum based product that has no restoring benefits for skin. It was, without a doubt, mineral oil that gave all oils a nasty reputation.

Plant based oils are holistic, they contain natural vitamins and amino acids that restore and repair the lipid barrier. The straight chain molecular structure of most natural oils help to carry nutrients deep within the skin to strengthen and support healing. Plant oils such as coconut and avocado plump cells and refine skin texture. Nature has created a whole apothecary of oils, each with their own benefit for skin. Results can be seen in a few days instead of weeks. Your skin easily recognises oil and knows exactly how to use it. Skin does a fantastic job of regulating oil without intervention-it knows exactly how much to produce. Removing the natural sebum from skin starts a vicious cycle. Left defenseless the skin will frantically try to replace the oil with more and vigor. After months or even years of this cycle, abused and weakened by chemicals, the skins surface dries and damage occurs. The same chemicals used to remove oil wreck havoc and allergic rashes like rosacea and eczema appear.

Fortunately for us our Grandmother’s secret skincare is back on the shelves. The fact is, women have been using oil on their skin for hundreds of years. Islanders know that coconut oil filters 20% of the sun’s rays ...all without harmful chemicals! Asian women use seabuckthorn and sesame to heal and beautify their skin. In the mediterranean, woman apply olive squalene to moisturize their beautiful skin. Search the web, the rave reviews are endless, oil has made a comeback and it’s about time for a renaissance in skin care!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Natural Remedies for Sick Children. These work on Husbands too!

There’s nothing more stressful than having a sick or injured child. If you could, you would trade spots with them in a second, but unfortunately as a parent you’re put in a helpless and heartbreaking position.

My hope is to minimize your feeling of helplessness by sharing homemade, natural remedies that can help ease the pain of your child’s ills and injuries.

So the next time your child shows symptoms of one of the following, take a breath, don’t stress, and try out these natural remedies!

1. Itchy Rashes, Chicken Pox

When your child has an itchy rash, one of the best remedies that you can create is composed of silver nitrate, raw Aloe Vera, and camphor.

25 drops of silver nitrate
6 oz of raw Aloe oil
1 oz of raw camphor
Mix the above ingredients thoroughly and apply the mixture to the sores on your child’s body. Silver nitrate has the ability to remove sores and other irritated skin cells, while Aloe Vera and camphor work to soothe the itch and irritation of the lesions.

Remember; keep an eye on your child to make sure they’re not itching. I remember when I was young; my mother put mittens on my hands so I couldn’t scratch too hard. Maybe give that a try if your child is scratching when your back is turned… poor thing!

2. Cough

Pineapple Juice! Yep it's just that simple. In fact studies have been done to prove it's more than 5 times as effective as over the counter cough syrup! 

2. Earaches / Ear Infections

Earaches are common in both children and adults, so learning a homemade, simple remedy can save you a lot of pain and time. All you need is;

3 cloves of garlic
2 tablespoons of olive oil
1 clean, soft cloth (optional)
Simply crush the garlic cloves into the olive oil and let sit for around 30 minutes. Then put the mixture through a strainer and use the leftover liquid to soak the tip of a soft cloth. You can either place this cloth softly into your child’s ear, or put 1 drop of the liquid directly into the ear.

3. Fevers

An excellent natural remedy for you and your child’s high fevers is dry ginger powder. This treatment requires you to pour one cup of ginger powder in a warm bath. Once dissolved into the water, take a 10-15 minute bath.

I recommend rinsing your child with clean water immediately after the bath and avoid this treatment if your child has open wounds or sensitive skin.

4. Infections and the Common Cold

It may seem unlikely… but when you or your child has a cold… your new best friend should be garlic! Garlic has antibacterial properties that help eliminate infections and the symptoms of a cold.

Your child might not be as accustomed to the taste of garlic so I would suggest the following ingredients be diluted in hot water:

1 crushed garlic glove
2 tablespoons of lemon
1 tablespoon of honey

5. Burns and Abrasions

You may associate Aloe Vera with sunburns, but it can also help with mild burns caused by hot surfaces, friction, and chemicals.

Raw coconut oil and lavender essential oil are also fantastic to ease the sting and promote the healing process.

If you or your child’s burn is severe, go to emergency room immediately to have it treated, but if it’s mild or a fading abrasion, Aloe Vera works wonders!

Please remember to wash your wound before applying any topical treatment!

Isn’t it incredible that Mother Nature has equipped us with all these natural remedies? Never underestimate the power of eating healthy and always look to nature for home remedies!

When it comes to you and your child’s health there’s never any shame in visiting your family doctor for a consultation before you administer treatment from home.


Image Source: Eat Local Grown

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Aerobic Training vs Weight Training for Weight Loss

If you are motivated to simply lose weight with exercise, aerobic training is most likely your best choice. However, if your goal is to sculpt your body shape you might want to cross train. 

Researchers at Duke University researched whether aerobic exercise or resistance training with weights, or a daily routine incorporating both would lead to the most weight loss. They divided a group of 234 overweight adults into three training groups: The first group performed aerobics only, the second group participated in resistance workouts, and the remaining group exercised using a combination of both. A total of 119 participants completed the study. Results showed that those in the aerobic group trained for an average of 133 minutes per week and lost weight; the resistance training group worked out for approximately 180 minutes per week and gained weight-they replaced fat with muscle, which is denser than fat. Participants who did both types of exercise didn’t lose as much weight as those in the aerobic group but had the largest decline in waist circumference. The study was published in the December 15, 2012 issue of the Journal of Applied Physiology.

Pure Paradise Facial Cleansing Oil

Oil cleansing is an amazing way to cleanse, restore and renew your skin naturally without harsh detergents or toxic chemical preservatives. The process is simple but the results are remarkable!

Pure Paradise Facial Cleansing Oil is a combination of 6 natural oils which cleanse, support, and nourish skin perfectly.  Oil cleansing produces much more nourished and moisturized skin that traditional soap and detergent based facial cleaners. The basic concept of this skin care and cleansing method is that the oil used to massage your skin will dissolve the oil that has hardened with impurities and found itself stuck in your pores. The steam will open your pores, allowing the oil to be easily removed. Should you need it, the smallest drop of Pure Paradise Facial Cleansing Oil patted over damp skin will provide the necessary lubrication to keep your skin from over-compensating in oil production.

Even explains the benefits of oil cleansing:
"Your skin naturally produces oil for a reason. Oil helps lubricate, heal, protect and moisturize your skin. Contrary to popular belief and contrary to what the makers of acne products want you to believe, OIL does not cause acne. Hormones, bacteria, and dirt are to blame for that. So all these products we purchase to get rid of the oil…cause our body to compensate by producing MORE oil. Oil that then pools up on skin that is already irritated and inflamed from the chemicals and fragrances in the soaps we are using…no WONDER breakouts occur!"

What to Do:

Pure Paradise Facial Cleansing Oil is naturally antimicrobial antibacterial. Rich with emollients, vitamins and antioxidants, it contains coconut oil, avocado oil, rice bran oil, evening primrose oil and aloe oil which immediately go to work to restore and replenish skin while removing harmful oils and impurities.
To Wash Face With Oil Cleansing:
  1. Massage - Pour about a quarter size amount of Pure Paradise Cleansing Oil into your hand and massage into dry skin (don’t wet skin first). Using smooth circular strokes massage for at least a minute (two minutes is better) or until you are sure that the oil has saturated your skin. This will also remove make-up very effectively, so there is no need to remove make-up first. You can even leave the oil on the skin for up to 10 minutes to really deep clean pores. 
  2. Steam - Place a clean washcloth under very hot tap water until it is completely saturated. Wring it out and place over your face. This will steam against the skin to remove the oils and any impurities. Leave the wash cloth on for about a minute, or until it cools.
  3. Remove - Use the same washcloth to gently remove any remaining oil. A thin layer of oil will remain on the skin and this is beneficial.
Typically, no moisturizer is needed after the adjustment period, but if you experience dry skin, add a few drops of oil to skin after cleansing. Or try Pure Paradise Facial Cleansing Oil as a night serum, packed with vitamins and minerals, Pure Paradise Oil helps skin repair a

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Pure Paradise Rituoil Massage and Body Oil

Rituoils are highly potent natural oil treatments. Featuring raw vitamins and anti-oxidants, these powerful remedies feed skin and deliver amazing results. To understand how they restore, repair and renew skin simply read our ingredients!


Coconut oil has long been used the world over for a variety of skin-healing applications. It has an incredible balance of natural saturated fatty acids not found in other oils. Encourages healthy skin for nearly every skin condition. Antibacterial and antiviral.

Avocado oil contains high amounts of Vitamin A, B1, B2, D, and E. Also contains amino acids, sterols, pantothenic acid, lecithin, and other essential fatty acids. Highly prized to those with skin problems such as eczema, psoriasis, and other skin ailments. Recommended to those with sensitive skin, problem skin and other irritations that require vitamin rich oil.

Evening Primrose contains gamma-linolenic acid. Evening primrose in combination with other fatty acids helps the body produce prostaglandin E1, which can reduce inflammation. Evening Primrose oil contains omega-3 essential fats and has been used to support skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema, and may help premature skin aging. Evening Primrose oil has an extensive body of research noting its ability to help with a variety of irritated skin conditions.

Rice Bran Oil is a natural source for the antioxidants: Tocopherols, Tocotrienols, Gamma Oryzanol, Phytosterols, Polyphenols and Squalene.  Antioxidants help fight free radicals and aid in slowing down the effects of aging. It contains proanthrocyanidins which protect collagen and elastin which in turn play in a large part in maintaining the suppleness of your skin. As Rice Bran Oil is particularly high in fatty acids it is very beneficial for mature, delicate and sensitive skin.

Aloe Oil  contains glycoproteins and polysaccharides heal skin conditions and wounds. Burns and wounds treated with aloe repair much faster than untreated ones. Aloe is a natural anti-inflammatory and can sooth and heal bug bites and stings, rashes, acne and psoriasis.

Sea Buckthorn - Clinical experiments in and the Shanxi Pharmaceutical Research Institute indicate products containing Sea Buckthorn extracts can actually retard skin maturation, thus slowing the aging process, possibly because of the effects of its high levels of Vitamins A and E. Sea Buckthorn oil is said to have proven effective in the treatment of skin conditions including burns, skin ulcers, cancer, acne and dermatitis of various forms.

Maritime Pine - The results published in the journal Skin Pharmacology and Physiology suggested that Pycnogenol, derived from maritime pine, was found to enhance skin elasticity by 25% and skin hydration by 8%. Pycnogenol was shown to increase the skin’s hyaluronic acid production by 44%. Pycnogenol is the only natural supplement that stimulates hyaluronic acid production in human skin.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Got dryer balls? Look what's hanging around in the Laundry Room!!!

These are 100% wool dryer balls. They fluff your clothes naturally without chemicals. And guess what? They work great! I add a few drops of essential oil to make clothes smell good too. I purchased these from